Calling Dr. House.

When the TV series ‘House’ started, I watched each week, applauding the cleverness of this Diagnostician and super medical strategist. But after awhile his rude behavior got on my nerves and I stopped. Of course, there was a reason for this behavior. I remember he had a medical condition that caused severe pain.

NOW I understand what it must be like for someone who is in constant pain. How it eats away all the good feelings and joy. As well as appetite.

It took a few days for the dismissive way the Urologist handled the visit, to sink in. He had insisted on a bladder scope ‘to rule it out’. I’d told him, there’s nothing wrong with my bladder. Another test, that was not necessary. He gave me a precribtion for PT! Yes. Physical Therapy. I looked at it, then him and said ‘what?’ I can barely function due to this pain and I should do therapy???WTH?  I may need a laparoscopy to figure out the cause. My oncologist is firm with her statment that this is NOT cancer related.

I am just sick of the whole thing.

My friend Lori, who works at Organic Grocers recommended a natural treatment. It’s for kidney health. Uva Ursi. Not to be taken longer than 2 weeks. So, I’m trying this right now. On Wednesday I’m going back to have acupuncture as well as the herb he had special ordered. Of course, there’s a lot of advice from friends. Try Asparagus. Try this tea. Try this herb….I am my own guinea pig.

Can’t concentrate on what to do and a new plan against cancer as I have to put this ‘fire out’ first. Yesterday, was a bad day. I am fighting against falling into depression. I believe that when I take morphine, it ascerbates this feeling.

I feel shut in. No real plans, since this is really holding me back. Can’t travel this way. Going to bed with pain, getting up with pain.

I still walk, some.  When I think, that just a few months ago I was walking 8-10 hours a day and now, barely get 35-45 minutes in, I am really sad.  Two years of medical dealings is now taking its toll. Can’t get my ‘oommmph’ back. How can anything keep hurting like this? Sharp pain. Am I whining now? Yes. Do I feel sorry for myself? Just for a little bit, at least until the pill is working. I want to say, stop! I don’t want to play anymore. I don’t like this game. I am tired.

Mainly what I need is a good doctor. Gosh, remember Dr. Welby? He made house calls. I’ve tried the ‘Symptom’ checker online. But there are too many possibilities so there’s no answer to be found.

If any of you know a good doctor, do let me know. I’m almost out of ideas.



Fiesta–Test results–new malady

We sure packed a lot of activities into the last few weeks. Filled with happy anticipation to see our camino friends again, I drove Cameron’s old Land Rover to Grand Junction to pick up Julio, Marie Anne and a little later, Cameron as well.

I’d bought a few flowers to greet MarieAnne and a bottle of Rioja wine (Bilboa) for Julio.

When I entered the hotel, they were already seated in the lobby, waiting. A big, cheery hello with a few tears from Marie Anne. They had visited New York for 4 days, then came by Amtrack to Grand Junction. Julio told me that MarieAnne, while looking out the window, kept saying ‘so big, so big.’

We stopped at a Diner and had a genuine American breakfast. Then it was time to pick up Cameron. What a happy  reunion all around. Carrie had seen them the day before and spend a few wonderful hours touring the Monument.

Next morning after breakfast we took them to Ouray and Box Canyon. Amazing how that water rushes and is pounding with great force through the hole in the rock that took millions of years to create. They were duly impressed.

Saturday morning, they were helping to set up the yard and cleaning, etc. for the Fiesta. Carrie came with her sister and her dad. Their mom came later with marvelous Truffels.

Pretty soon, all guests had arrived and we introduced our guest around, mostly to people that had read the blog and had many questions for both.

Sunday, we went to the Black Canyon and also had a picnic. Cameron decided that they should see The Arches in Utah’s canyonland. They took off Monday, while I took care of things here and also had several blood tests and an up coming CT scan to determine, whether there has been any growth.

Blood test results were great. Cancer markers had not gone up. Stable. On May 2nd, we all drove to Grand Junction for CT scan and an appoinment with oncologist afterward.

Dr. M. showed us the scan and was reasonably sure that there too, was no sign of growth. BIG exhale for me. I did tell her about the ‘new’ pain in my left, lower pelvis. I thought and believed that I had a kidney stone(s). After viewing the scan, she said that Radiologist pointed out some small stones in the the Urethra. Thus, the horriffic pain. I told her, that I was afraid turning into a Junkie trying to stay on top of this pain. I am not going to live like this, is what I said. I figured out the best way to medicate: 1 Ibuprofen (600 mg, followed 45 min later by 1/2 of Morphine (10 mg). I nearly cried with relief when the pain finally stopped. I also came down with a unpleasant chest cold. This constant pain is taking a big chunk out of my ‘cheerfulness’ and up-beat, positivity, etc. These pills are making me not only dizzy but weepy. I’m going to try a brownie, laced with Marijuana. No nightmares and bad side effects.

Well, smiled Dr. M. looks like you have another 3 mos before we check.  Keep up what you’re doing. Although I had not been doing that well and kept falling ‘off the wagon’ with eating all sorts of ‘regular’ food. But, now I’m back on it. I don’t feel very energetic when I don’t get my ‘greens’. She said, I want you to think about taking ‘Tamoxifen’. It’s an oral chemo pill. You can’t just keep having this cancer and even though, you’re doing well,  should think about this option. I want to talk to you about side effects, when the time comes.

Well! I did check on those side effects: Stroke, peritoneal/ vaginal cancer, and a host of other possibilities. How can this be called a ‘life saving’ med??

I have 3 months to do something and try to get the numbers down, the tumor reduced.

My Acupuncturist was ordering herbs to diminish stones. Now, I must call and cancel. I wonder if Dr. B. could be wrong? I’m just stunned.

Those few days were over too quickly and Julo and MarieAnne had to leave. They couldn’t say enough about wonderful, colorful Colorado and awesome Utah. We were marveling at the fact that last year, in May, none of us knew each other and yet, here we were, darn good buddies and an experience that has bonded us for life.

Friday, I had some nice friends here for lunch from Utah.

The Aunties came from Rangely for 2 days after, so we still had nice company. Then, they too were gone and took Cameron to the airport. Wow. The house was still and quiet. Everyone has abandoned me. I wandered through the rooms and not even the mouse is back.

I’ve finished my medicine wheel garden. Not all the planting as it takes a lot of plants (money) but I have time. When I checked on a peace pole, the lady offered to come with the Indian Society Members to perform a ceremony. No charge. I am so tickled.

I had an appointment with Urologist Dr. B. whom I had been to a few years ago. I couldn’t take any meds before driving 1 hr and 20 min. By the time I got there, I was in agony. The usual bloodpressure, vitals were taken. Dr. B. came in and after the cordials he looked at the CT scan and said that there were NO stones in the urethra. Only 2 small ones in the right kidney but they could easily get out if needed to. So? I asked. What is this pain? Classic symptoms of reduced urine flow, horrible, prolonged pain. Tiny, pink droplets. That does not mean stones? That’s right, he said. Well, I wanted to know, ‘WHAT is it?”

” I don’t know,’ he says. You need to go back to Dr. M. and find out where this is coming from. I can’t believe it! Back to square one! Where do I go? Whom do I see?

Last night, as I woke with pain again, I wondered whether this could be caused by scar tissue? I had this before, 10 years ago on my right side. Left over from a pediatric Ruptured Appendix surgery. These now, could be caused from the debulking surgery from Ovarian Cancer/Hysterectomy

I can feel the meds taking hold and numbing my brain and thoughts. I better stop before all sorts of nonsense appears.


Time’s up…

Although it seems long, these past couple of weeks went rather quickly. There was the usual laundry to do after my son left and things to straighten up. Having my schedule and life back felt pretty good, although the house was quiet and empty. No one calling a cheery ‘hello’ and I had no one to tell little newsy things to.

I couldn’t go walking because there was, still, this pain in my left pelvis. Whatever medication I tried, did not work and so I wandered the living room, the kitchen, the bath, bedroom and back because it’s all I knew to do.

Instead of having a nice, few weeks off before tests and CT scan, etc. I’ve been dealing with this ‘thing’. I’ve decide it is (probably) some remnants left from kidney stones trying to get out. It wouldn’t help to go to Urologist as I need to deal with cancer issue first. Not more tests and more x-rays into body. I finally figured out that if I took one Ibuprofen (600 mg) and one half morphine (5 mg) that I could function. I don’t like to take either one. Someone from my cancer support group told me to research medical marijuana.

There are many different ways one could choose to take it. I was surprised to find out how much it was used in the medical field. For depression, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). For chemo side effects, the nausea, the inability to eat, neuropathy, the horrible pain and all other co-hosts of this toxin. The side effects of the meds I am taking is not such good news.

It’s suggested to take marijuana at bed time so it can help repair while the body is trying to do this anyway. I may just really find out as much as I can and then decide. I am tired of pain. And, I can’t go walking as it starts its hellish descent and I have to stop, clutching my side and moaning. A couple of times, when I tried walking, I thought I couldn’t make it back home.

Meanwhile, I’ve also had my first Acupuncture. It was a pleasant experience. I realize that just one treatment won’t help much so I have 2 more before my CT scan. I am also taking 20,000 units of Vitamin D3  (at bed time) as recommended by a Naturopathic doctor. I am still trying to out run chemo.

Then, a terrible tragedy has come into the life of my very best friend. Another, had a massive stroke and fighting for life.  I was thinking, that there are worse things than my cancer. More immediate.

As it is with life’s tapestry, weaving other threads into our day, there’s the happy news that Julio and Marie Ann are coming this Thursday. Our camino buddies. Julio called a few days ago, as they were boarding the train in Chicago to go to Yellowstone.  “Are you still alright with kind invitation of us coming?” he asked. I responded in the affirmative. He also told me, that Marie Ann is saying that this country is soo big. Too big.

So, I am planning a few outings as they’re only here a few days. I need to cook ahead so we have something to eat as they’ll be late that Thursday. Cameron is coming in as well, so I pick him up first at the airport. (Must not forget to go to have several blood tests done that morning.)

Hopefully the aunts can come, as well as other friends who have been so supportive, loving and kind. The timing is good as I’ll have the CT scan and appointment with Oncologist May 2nd.  Then we’ll have all the answers. Iwill ask Radiologist to concentrate on my left side. Maybe we can see what’s going on. If not, I guess I shall make appt with Urologist. (Julio and MarieAnn are leaving May 3rd.)

If tumor has not grown I will have another 2 mos.

Saturday, I have planned a little Fiesta for my friends.

Different days

Even though surgery is off the table and I am very relieved not having to got through  all of that, the chemo boogie-man is still hovering close by. But, those fangs are not as sharp and big as they were.

The house is still since Cameron’s departure. Having lived alone for so long, it’s rather different having someone here. I have my old schedule back and my odd time keeping.

Since I nearly had one months before having bloodwork, CT scan, etc. I figured I deserved some time off and perhaps go to a cancer retreat. Get acupuncture, breathing techniques, raw food-juicing, emotional cleansing as well just in case there were unknown remnants. etc. I’d  found a place in California. Sonoma Valley. Burbling brook, bird singing, lovely surroundings and peaceful. I envisioned myself on long hikes through a tall tree forest, doing all the above described things. I’d send an e-mail for more info and the owner called. After hearing some of my story, he was going to lower the rates so I could afford it. I’d also found a reasonable air fare and was so excited and looking forward to this marvelous respite… when…. I had to cancel everything. Sudden onslaught of a sharp, poking pain which nearly had me doubling over. I was hoping it would ‘just go away.’ But days later when it became worse not better I was scared and canceled the ticket, the retreat, not knowing what it was.

I finally had to go and seek medical help . From my back, to my side, to my lower front pelvic region. I would start out with Ibuprofen, then when that did not help at all, called the office to request stronger pain meds. Well, he called in some pills that made my head rummy and dizzy but did nothing for the pain. By Thursday, all day and through the night I thought I’d have to wake Cameron to take me to the Emergency room but then, held off because that would cost several thousand dollars. Friday morning, I called my GYN’s office to try to see him but discovered that they don’t work on that day. So, I called my Dr. They booked me for the afternoon.  Those hours stretched painfully before me but finally I got to go.

Examination, Urin sample, blood test, including CA 125. I had shown doc the written order from my oncologist and asked if I could do these tests out of his office, the end of the month. He agreed but then ordered the very same tests!! I said, we didn’t need those now since I was going to have them the end of April. He answered, ‘well, we’ll just do them again’. This is the same Dr., who, a few weeks ago was trying to save Medicare’s money when Dr, D.  ordered a CA 125. Go figure.

I had a thoughrough examination, including rectal which was a total surprise and produced groans and eye-rolling from me. Well. He didn’t know. Could be Diverticolitis. Painful, chronic attacks. I said ‘what??!’ I wouldn’t have anything I couldn’t spell, I told him. Or, it could be some infection, or if the pain won’t go away, it could be the cancer. He wrote a prescription for infection control. Cameron picked it up and when I saw the one page and a half warning, I was queasy.

I researched Diverticulitis and it stated: ‘Caused by a total ‘American based Diet’ of too much meat, too little fiber, not enough vegetables and chronic constipation.‘ I laughed out loud. Come on!! I’ve been on a Vegan  lifestyle (except for a few times) for 2 years now and with detoxing I had enough roughage to fill Noah’s Arch. Had he not listened at all? I decided, right then and there that this would not be what I had. I was a little un-easy about the cancer since there are some other tumors in there, they just have not lit up the PET.

Then I remembered, when I had the Lithotripsy a couple of years ago, to blast way kidney stones. A couple remained on the bottom of my left kidney, they could not go up and then out. The pain I remembered as being the same excrutiating, writhing thing. I also remembered that the Emergency room Doctor, prescribed Flomax. I had thought that this was a med for males only but he said, no, it would make passing the stones a lot easier. Right he was. So. I searched and found the vial with some left. A little out-dated but I figured this was not Yohgurt. Sure enough by Sunday morning it was gone as sudden as it had appeared. What a total, happy relief.

Next day, I fell over the strung out garden hose and hit my knee and hurt my wrists. Just can’t have a day without something hurting or going on. Tiresome.

I was getting cabin fever as the weather was so unfriendly. High winds started up to 35-40 mph and I couldn’t walk. A friend called to ask if I would drive to Crested Butte with her. Sure, I said. Had not been there for years. That broke up the day.

Now, I try to keep busy until my appointment May 2nd. If tumor is table as well I won’t have to do anything for another 2 month. My life could be measured in 2-months increments. I’m planning a road trip with friends to Santa Fe.

Now it’s Easter Weekend. Inspite of this roller coaster ride, the terror and fears about surgery and chemo. The ever present cancer I feel at peace. The rising of CA 125 has stopped.  This is my gift from God. Also, from my hard work. Happy Easter.

Dr. Very Nice

After the many days waiting for this appointment, it finally came. A very windy day but we made to Grand Junction. Cameron accompanied me for some ‘hand-holding’ if need be and to take notes.

Meanwhile, I had bought a book, Embrace, Release, Heal,’ written by a Grand Junction woman, who had horrible cancer with 3 recurrences. This is an amazing journey and after I read what she did and her decision to do Alternate and why, I felt totally re-invigorated. She spoke to me. She had the same fears, doubts and terrors….. and then, she had success and despite that her doctors/oncologist and other people tried to dissuade her, ridiculed her, she stayed the course. I applaud her. She made it. She’s well, for the time being.

After filling out some more paperwork we sat and waited. Wasn’t too long before I was called and went to the examination room.  The nurse took my vitals and my bloodpressure was up a bit but nothing like in Denver (or Montrose Cancer Center.) I attribute this to two things. First, Cameron was with me and second, I have been at this Pavilion so many times, I should own a corner of it. The staff is very nice and ‘upstairs,’ know me by name. Dr. M. came in, introduced herself and we all shook hands. She told us that Dr. D. had not send certain scans (??) and they had called and asked for them.

To explain what I am dealing with, she drew a rough sketch of the body ( appologizing for lack of artistry) with the aorta running through. In the pelvic region she drew a cluster of lymph nodes next to it. Very neatly, tightly attached to the aorta. These I had not been aware of. You mean there’s more??

She told us, why surgery would not work. Even if they could get to the 5.5 cm  ‘problem node’ and extract a portion, we’d still have to deal with the other ones and they simply cannot be excised out.  ‘Cancer is a chronic illness, she informed us, ‘Similar to Diabetes.’

Even though she was aware that I did not like chemo, yet it was the only available option. Cyberknife would not work due to that cluster and one other area in pelvis. Chemo had worked well for me before, she said. She had me describe the after effects. She told me, that we could do the schedule differently. Instead of throwing the whole works at me in one sitting, we could do a lower dose over one week’s time and have 3 weeks off. At the same time, add anti-nausea meds into the IV, so I could or would tolerate it better. She told me of another patient, who’s abit older than I, who has tolerated this and functions quite well. Radiation would not work either, due to where it all was and the intestines would be damaged greatly.

She asked me how I ended up in Montrose. I’d told her, she didn’t have that much time. She laughed and said, take short route. I gave her the highlights. I felt so comfortable with this nice, kind spoken Doctor, that I’d told her what I was taking and what I was doing for myself. She did not even blink. I went a bit further and added that I take Tumeric/Curcumin, etc. No ridicule, no exclamation of ‘this is nothing but quackery’. Oh, I like her, I thought. She even gave me the name of a Naturopathic Doctor, in Ridgway, whom I can consult about the Vitamin C, Iscador and other vials that I had brought from Germany and had been sitting in my fridge ever since.

She asked, if anyone had ever suggested genetic testing? No, I said, never even came to mind.  Well, since I have quite a line-up of family members with a cancer history on both sides, it would be feasible to have one. For my children and grandchildren. To find out if there’s a genetic reason. Medicare may not pay for this pricey test but we’ll go ahead and do this. I’ve had some ‘Angel’ friends visit me and others who send a check to help out with these expenses and bills that keep coming. Their love and kindness had me in tears.

I also told her about this new, piercing pain on the left side, in my abdomen. That one has me disturbed enough to mention it. I am taking my Ibuprofen 600 mg but sometimes, that’s not even touching it. I have stronger stuff but hesitate to take this as it will cause constipation and I feel so ‘rummy’ and fuzzy. I don’t like ‘drugs’

She said, that I could get just as many years out of this chemo.. and if ‘it’ came back, well we’d treat it again although the time span of remission in between would be closer together. Hey, I thought, ‘ Thank you, God’, I’ll take 10 years, to be with my family, to travel a little, to see the beauty of this world.’ I’ve made peace with my cancer and I will do things to help get better as this is another wake up call (unless it’s GENETIC) to change things in my life. No matter what its origin, now that it is here, again, I’ll try to deal with it as best and as gracious as I can.

Dr. M. suggested that we do a series of blood work, including genetic testing and a new CT scan as well as another CA 125.  (Ovarian cancer marker).

When we were leaving, I took her hand and thanked her for being so kind, gave her a spontaneous hug and promptly burst into tears. I wasn’t used to kindess. It’s unsettling.

I felt a huge weight lifting. I finally had a plan. We were doing things. I was really relieved not to be cut open and have my intestines rearranged and to deal with the pain and accompanying discomfort.

I’m not sure, whether we’ll travel to Huntsman now. We have not heard from them and what could they tell me differently? I think, I’ll just stop resisiting and wrap my mind around this and work on being accepting. Camino NOT chemo. Well, family and friends (and myself) I sure tried. You’d have to say that. I gave it a good run. And, of course, I will seek alternate advice until all these appointments. I still have a little time until then. Hope does spring eternal.

Yesterday, the phone rang and, would you believe it was Dr. M’s office (already!) to schedule these bloodtests for May 2nd. Until then, I have time to work on me with a last ditch effort, to detox, take stuff, do acupuncture, cleansing and whatever else I can do. Maybe, just maybe… it’ll disappear.

I was telling Cameron, that this thought occured to me: When I was on the camino and walked up to the cross,  offering  that the tumor be taken and then when this did not happen, I failed to see that I’d already gotten my miracle. Although the tumor was not ‘gone’, it has stopped growing since October. I mean, I have 3 PET and one CT to proof this. The markers have gone down. I am grateful.

I want to go away for a few days. Have a vacation from cancer and all this intense talk and research and accomapying fear. I am calm now and feel peaceful. Another gift.

One day, like the next…

Sometimes, I can’t remember what day it is. They all seem to blend in to pretty much the sameness. Make breakfast, then again for Cameron. Clean a little, run errands. Shop for groceries (often). Bring them home, then prep, chop cook or not. Make salads.

Cameron is busy with his work and then calling, researching, answering calls, talking to Medical Professionals.

Meanwhile, I’ve acquired an odd pain which has me puzzled and Doc doesn’t know either. Since I’ve just had so many (and expensive) scans, I’ll not have another. He called in a new prescription which is a little stronger than Ibuprofen.

Last Saturday, we went to a friend’s house to photograph all the items I am selling to help defray cost of this cancer and treatment. We have posted the pictures on Facebook and the Facebook caminonotchemo page.

Still researching prices. Will put some on eBay. Ask!

Photos: 145

Friends have been overwhelmingly generous. With Organic veggie presents and money, discreetly placed in envelopes, which allows me to ‘save face’.

So now, we wait. For the appointment on March 26th, in Grand Junction with Oncologist. Then, hopefully, we hear from Jon Huntsman Clinic, in Salt Lake City, soon.

The great thing about going there, is, that we have friends who have offered their home and we can stay while I am being examined, questioned and hopefully have a good solution.

This is getting really old. Not knowing. Not doing, and now having pain. Trying very hard to be patient, to be up-beat but once in awhile, like in the darkest hour of the night, I was caught in a weeping storm. I have nightmares.


Eleventh hour cancellation and more questions..

Well. Knock me over with a feather! After waiting all day, Sunday for Dr.D. to call and being anxious about it, it never happened. Another beautiful day wasted and gone.

Monday morning I called Denver and left messages with Dr. D’s Onc nurse and the Co-ordinator. Another beautiful day was promised and I had enough of being cooped up. As soon as Cameron was finished with his coaching call, we got ready to drive to Ouray and have lunch. Mosey around that pretty, little town. I already had my coat on, when my cell rang. Dr. D. herself. She started out by saying why she had not called Sunday. She assumed I was in church. (Even if I would’ve been, I doubt it would be an all day service.) Anyway, I digress.

She then launched right into why surgery was not an option at this time. Seems that the lymphnode has wrapped itself in and around the vene (the aorta and therefor would be difficult and risky to remove.) I held the phone so that Cameron could hear her as well. She suggested ‘ a few chemo sessions’ first, to shrink tumor and then do surgery.

Although, this type of cancer may not respond well to chemo?? She said that it was a good thing, that the tumor showed so little growth in all this time. When I pointed out that my CA 125 numbers had gone down as well, she brushed that off as lab differentials, or something else. Funny, that! When these points had gone UP, my local doc and Ocologist, Dr. Giggles, both remarked how urgent it is that I see Dr. D. ‘You must do something soon’, they stated.  But, when those same numbers go down, they’re dismissed. Of course, I never mentioned that I am taking these supplements.

I used many of those idle Sunday hours to research. What I found was this:

The Promise of Proton-Beam Therapy -Us News and World Report

I had filled out their online info sharing form and at one point they’d call me. Free consultation.

We drove to Ouray, mainly in silence. The thoughts were bumping around in my brain but didn’t find landing a spot. We parked and went up the street to find a place for lunch. The early March sun, in this high altitude was wonderfully hot. Felt great behind my cloesd eyes, to soak it in. And the fresh mountain air. Since it is still off-season, there was not much going on. A few stores trying to get rid of long kept merchandise, with offers of 20-50% 0ff. In one window, a display of rings made of semi-precious stones, caught my eye. Not too much for $75.00 but… I don’t need more stuff. There would not be much joy in wearing this bauble with tumors’ Damocles sword hanging over me.

The  Vegetarian Bistro, that I’d been to before was closed. So, to Brian’s Pub we went. Semi Irish decor. The minute I went in, the cheap fry-oil smell was so strong, it made me want to get back out and breath. We ordered a Black Bean Burger with red pepper pieces and caramelized onions. I chose potato salad and Cameron had sweet potato fries.  I ate half the burger (which was previously frozen and luke warm) left the bun alone. Cameron ate the burger but not the fries. By that time I was nearly nauseous from that hot-oil-grease-smell. Since I have not cooked with ‘industrial’ oils/fats, this is an assault on my taste buds and senses. (See my recipe entry about Oil Change in the Kitchen.)

We walked to the book store and I purchased two books. My sleeping pills as I read in bed, every night. Cameron expected another work call, so we decided to drive home and pick another day for going to Box Canyon Falls.

My little buddy came to have help with weekly homework. In between trying to make 10 word sentences with him and preparing dinner, the phone rang. It was the Protone Docotor.

He asked me some questions about first diagnosis and recurrence. I repeated the diffilculty of tumor place, etc. He said, oh, Inge, I can get this.’ Told me of the many success’ they’ve had with inherently worse tumors and cancers than mine. One of the worst ones he’s ever seen was a CA 125 (Ovarian cancer) with a 12,000 number! (Mine is 52). Then we got to the REAL point. Cost. One treatment would be $1200.00-1700.00 and about 8 treatments would be required. I quickly figure this to be around $10000.00 Of course , added cost the flight and stay at ? hotel? I thanked him for his time. He gave me his private phone number, encouraged me to call 24/7. No Medicare help on that one either.

Meanwhile, I had received my reply from Professor Koebe. Quick as always to reply. Never have to wait to hear from him. He’s adamant that no matter how little could be removed, to do so. Not to mess with Cyberknife and doesn’t like the idea to start out with chemo. He suggested a vene graft. I would imagine, he means to clamp off either side of the veine area, then cut it all out and graft a piece in between to make the bridge.

When Dr. D. heard that, she immediately negated that idea. ‘People can die doing this and it’s not standard practise of care. Then, post care would be near impossible.

What to do? What to do? Where to turn? Who has the best, workable treatment? Instead of final clarity, I’ve got more, hard questions.  Where would I get this sum for Protone, even if I would want to try? We wasted nearly 3 months with back and forth. We wasted $16000.00 of Medicare’s money (hello, Dr. L) for 2 useless PET plus nearly $4000 more for CT. Already so much without any real help for me. (And, of course I have to pay 20% of all that.) The only one, working for free is Professor, Dr. Koebe. He gets a whole heart and ‘sack full’ of Thanks.



Prayers, Angels and Candles…

As I was waiting these many weeks for a surgery date, many people were waiting with me. In various corners of the world. There’s my family (what’s left of it) in Germany and Switzerland. With e-mails, Skyping and phone, they kept in touch. There are my FB friends who inquire daily. Everyone wishes me well, supportive with words, deeds and prayers. There’s my good friend, Ingrid in Csakany, Hungary. The rest sprinkled across the United States.

My sister and niece, drove to Heroldsbach, Germany. A place in the countryside purported to have had a sighting of St. Mary in 1949-1952 by several children. The spot, where St. Mary was said to have hovered, had supposedly brought forth a spring. She told the children that this would be sacred water. To heal. This sighting miracle was not supported by Rome. But, this did not keep people from coming to this small village, by foot, by car and later, by bus from all over Europe. I had never heard of it, until about ten or so years ago. I was in Germany when my sister asked if I wanted to come with them. I was curious and agreed.

The place is beautiful. Set on a large, sloping meadow, fenced in with a discreet, unobtrusive, wooden fence and a well trimmed hedge. There are the 14 stages of the cross with altars placed in between. There are flowers everywhere.  There are also a lot of wooden crosses, in various sizes and weights, for serious pilgrims to carry, depending on what their self-imposed penance may be. In the middle is a small pavilion with several steps going down on 2 sides to the origin of the spring. You can see the small body of water underneath a polished, ornate brass grill.

I was having these undiagnosed, abdominal pains at that time and I placed my hand over this spring and said a silent, little prayer. A little further is a Glass Chapel with the statue of Mary inside. In front of her, huge profusion of flowers. Mostly roses.  A large book, on a stand is right by the entrance, where people can write their concerns for prayer intervention, into the book. All that St. Mary required for her help is that everyone would then give written notice of any healing they received. There are plaques all over the place, running up to the ceiling, all 4 walls. Mostly with grateful, short sentences. Mary has helped. Or, with heartfelt gratitude for our miracle.

Since we finally had a date for the surgery, my sister had called with the promise of driving to Heroldsbach and placing my name into the big book. As well as spending 5 Euros for a candle to be lit on the day of surgery while the good nuns would pray for a successful outcome. I was touched.

Then Julio wrote a very nice e-mail, that he too, would go to the cathedral in Bilbao, Spain, on the day of surgery to light a candle on my behalf.

My friend Carla and her husband pray for me daily. The cashier at the Natural Market also offers prayers. As do many friends and acquaintances.  I am sent Angels by e-mail, promising to keep watch over me. I should be well covered in Prayer Insurance.

BUT. There’s a bit more drama. Yesterday, I had just finished a nice, surprise call from Julio and Marianne with their happy news that they are booking their flight to the U.S. in mid April.  First they’ll fly to New York, where they will spend a few days, then take the train to come West, ending in Grand Junction. We made great plans and I told them we would have a fiesta with friends to welcome them to Colorado.

Cameron was getting ready to go skiing in Powderhorn, which had just received about 2 feet of new snow. Sort of a last hurrah before the medical route with me.

I was scurrying around, letting my friends know that we have a pre-op date and went on last-minute errands.

When I came home, the light was blinking on the answering machine. Without much of any thought, I pressed the button. It was Dr. D. from Denver. She said that she and the Oncologist/Surgeon were looking at the latest CT scan. (She thanked me for getting it done as it gave them a different view and perspective of this lymph node that had gone beserk.) Then, continuing, she said that they had grave concerns as the tumor had intertwined with the veins in such a way that there would be great risks in removal. She would call me this morning to discuss this in person.

Needless to say I was stunned. I felt like I had been running and someone put a stick out to knock me off my balance in mid run. I just stood there and couldn’t even manage to produce a thought. The next thing, CRAP. What NOW? If there are grave concerns, should I even go ahead? Of course, I don’t know the detail of these concerns but I don’t like the sound of that AT ALL!!  Next thought: Well. Maybe back to Cyberknife. Also. Write the Professor in Germany, ask him if he had received copy of CT scan and what did he think?

Then. Must do more research. Maybe alternate is my other only option? How do I get this damn blood-sucker out??? De ja vu!  I was in this spot months ago when I agonized over the decision to even have surgery. It took such great, inner force to wrap my brain around being cut (“fileted”). Now, I have to again entertain different course of action? Should I have chemo first? To shrink this tumor and then surgery? Should I check into Proton Therapy? How is this different from Cyberknife? There’s one in Loma Linda, they’ve done this procedure longer than anyone else. As I understand it, the machine is 3 stories tall and cost EIGHT Million dollars. But is painfree. I filled out their online intake form. Someone will call Monday and explain it to me.

I’ve also drafted an e-mail to Cyberknife Oncologist. There are still all these alternate centers. GEEEZ! Nothing easy about me and my stuff. More prayers. More angels and more candles are needed.

Scalpel, just over the mountain

My son,  Cameron arrived a few days ago in preparation to drive me to Denver and be there during surgery.  We’ve had snowstorms for two days and bitter cold. We only ventured out to get groceries, in case we would be snowed in. (No really.) We took a short walk just to get aired out. The rest of the time, he was busy with work and I was busy with prepping, cooking and freezing meals ahead for our return, when I can not do these things.

My little buddy came to have help with his weekly homework. My friend came to drop her two dogs off. Pumpkin and Max. They absolutely enriched our days. Other than that, nothing exciting going on.

Friday, after noon, I’d asked Cameron to give Julianne, Denver coordinator a call to ask how we’re progressing. Then, suddenly we have a date. After all that waiting, it seemed nearly too fast. As in, ‘oh, I’m not sure if  I’m ready for this!’ But, there it is. THE date. Pre-Op appointment is set for Wednesday, 11:00 o’clock in the morning. Anschutz Cancer Center in Denver. At that point I will find out everything.

This means, getting everything ready and set up for a Tuesday departure for the 5+hr trip. Hopefully, the roads and passes won’t be too stressful to get over. Luckily, we have a place to stay with a very generous lady, who offered her home to both of us.

I am ever so grateful to have my son there, to be my ears and common sense, when my brain turns to mush when I walk through those doors. To ask questions and to champion my cause. I will hang on to my daughter’s words, that I have her heart with me. I’m trying to figure out, how we can have her come, at least for Easter, so we can all be together for a little while. She’s so sad, that she can’t be here but we do understand.

Each time, that I’ve had surgery (meanwhile a few), I’ve had this fear of not waking up from anesthesia. At my surgey, ten years ago, to remove cancerous Ovaries and lymphnodes, I started to cry as I lay there IV in my arm, waiting to be rolled to surgery. My son was with me and asked why I was crying and I said “I am soo afraid of not waking up.’ I did, of course but I also remember the horrible pain.

When I was 8 and half years old, I had a tummy ache. Mom was getting ready to go to work, for a few hours and allowed me to stay in bed. (We had no babysitters those days.) I remember laying on the couch, vomiting vile and bitter stuff. Next day, I was already having delirious dreams. I do remember, vaguely, dreaming of large Gnomes. (Honest to God.)

When the doctor came, he pushed on my large, tautly swollen belly and quickly called an ambulance. I remember seeing neighbors gathered outside the apartment house, to see who was sick and I felt very important. I remember getting a thick- needled shot.

I’ve had ruptured appendicitis. Mom told me later, that it was already touch and go. Someone, meaning well in the most awful sense, had told her not to fret too much as she had three more children.

I remember waking up, in pain and after awhile, I felt overwhelming thirst. I’d asked the nurse for something to drink. I asked for peppermint tea as this was what I’d had at home. She said NO. I asked for something else but she said NO. Never explaining why not. After awhile longer, I just got up and went over to the faucet and drank …water. Lots of it. Well, the hoopla after that was bad. They rushed me somewhere but now I don’t remember what they did. (Pump stomach?) I remember, having this dream. I was walking toward a walled city. Everything was gold. Trees, houses, the river winding around, outside the walls, like a golden ribbon. Not made of Gold but like, evening summer-sun-gold. There was a bridge that I needed to cross to get inside. Suddenly, I heard my name . ‘Inge! I-N-G-E!’ I stopped walking. I woke to see my friend, Irene by the window. Since she was so young, she was not allowed to visit but I am sure that she saved my life, by calling me back.

After a few days without having a bowel movement, the nurse came with an enema bucket and hose contraption. At that time, I did not know what this was.  I had also had developed an abcess. When she tried to insert the hose, the pain was so excrutiating, that I screamed bloody murder and wiggled to get away from that source. Well, this nurse came from Haides Hell. She hauled off and slapped me in the face. Hard.  Then continued to ram this hose in. I sat in bed, sobbing when my mom came. She looked at the marks the 5 fingers left on my cheeks and asked how this happened. She took off. I could hear her shouting all the way. Mama-Bear. She went to the Administrator, she went to the Professor. She cleaned up!! I never saw this nurse again. (My daughter is a lot like her. The protectiveness is alive and well a generation later.)

After about a month, I was released. I needed to recouperate. So it was decided to send me to the country. Plenty of good, fresh air and wholesome meals. This was through the catholic ‘Caritas’. The small village was about 1 hr drive from Erlangen. Set in a very scenic and pretty village surrounded by forests, gentle, sloping hills. They call it the ‘Little Switzerland’. The little house was a kilometer or so, outside the village. Two nuns lived there. In their care was a small orchard with plum, apple and other fruit trees. Then, there was a small, lovely chapel. The ‘Sisters’ themselves were very firm and stern. (I suppose, never having had children, they just didn’t know how to interact.) It was not a good time.

My duty was, to ring the bell to assorted prayers. The length of the prayers, decided how long the bells wer to be rung and why. It all went well until another girl came. Then we both got into trouble because we were just not as pious as they expected of us. When we rang the morning vespers, we got to talking and rang and rang that bell. Village people thought there was a fire and ran outside.

When I was in Germany, several years ago, I asked my cousin to take me there. Pinsberg, fifty years later had not changed much. The village fountain, surrounded by geraniums and other beautiful flowers was the focal point. The houses, more modern and added on, white washed with brown balconies, with many, colorful flower boxes.

The Chapel still the same. Walking inside, the smell of  centuries of francincense. A beautiful, crochet, starched, white cloth on the altar as well as flowers. Even though not used much, it was still lovingly cared for. It was emotional to see myself there, as a child. We had lunch at one of the ‘Gasthaus’ there. It was the best Trout I’ve ever had.

I can safely say, that there won’t be any slapping in Denver.



A new test, no date.

My days consist of the same, daily routine. I try to walk, depending on this fickle weather which is, at times, too cold, too windy, too muddy. Our regular winter weather. The monotony is only broken by short trips to the Organic store, Post Office and other errands. My light, happy moments come in the form of my little buddy. We do his 4th Grade homework together and then visit.  (Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?) I find 4th Grade Math to be a challenge!! So different and strange from my days.) We’ve been friends for 10 years now. Practically since his birth. He says, we may not be related by blood but certainly by heart. Ahh. He does my my heart good.

I try not to be gone very long as I am waiting for the phone call from Denver. Two days ago, even after careful plotting my time, I came home just in time to hear a voice on the answering machine. Quickly I lifted the phone to my ear and it was Dr. D.’s Assistant.

But, not to give a date for surgery but to request that I call Grand Junction Pavilion, to set up an appointment for a new CT scan. As it turns out, the much lauded (and costly) PET, was an inferior view of the needed tumor position. I was to have this CT a.s.a.p and then the disc FED EX’d to the surgical team.

I immediately called and got an appointment for Thursday morning. Since I was not allowed to have any food nor drink 4 hours prior to the scan, I awoke at 3:45 A.M without an alarm clock. My brain and system at the ready for a fast breakfast as the interval would be very long  until I could have sustenance. And, boy, do I need my sustenance. So. I cooked a bucket of Oatmeal and had a cup of tea and then coffee for good measure. Punctually at 4:30 I ceased shoving anything in.

Outside, the wind rattled and tore at the bare tree limbs. As soon as it was light, the clouds chased each other over the horizon. I really would’ve rather stayed home, on such a day. When I watched the news and weather, the report of strong winds and snow stressed me out.

Punctually at 7:30 A.M my friend Inge B. came to pick me up to drive to Grand Junction and be with me. As so many times before. Never complaining. Never using an excuse of not being able to do this kind deed. Monika had to work, so she had to miss out on this grand adventure.

We arrived early and were shown to the waiting area. There we settled in to wait for whatever would come next. What came next, were two women, who upon seeing me broke out in happy greeting and surprised exclamation. They were from Rangely. I had not seen them, in over 20 years. I said, I recognize you. I just can’t place you. Oh… I know. Rangely, right? You’ve friended me on Facebook, right?

Nancy has been fighting cancer for 12 years now. Has a port inserted in her chest for easier access of whatever needs to be pushed through. Her, daughter, who was in school with my son, faithfully goes with her, each time. Soon, the Radiologist came in with a huge, paper cup and gave each of us the ‘drink’. Gatorade with other tastes. Nasty stuff for so early in the morning. But, dutifully we drank large sips and both of us, making a face and shuttering.

Soon after, I was escorted to the preparation room. Needles, plastic hose for the veine insert. Then, off to the scan room. Siemens machine. Nothing but the finest. Laying down on the gourney-bed, I looked up and saw two panels with azure sky and white, puffy clouds. Nice touch. PET people don’t have that one. Radiologist comes and shoots the dye into my veine. Just one minute later, a very warm feeling goes through your entire body. This sensation makes one feel, like urinating on oneself. Always worries me, that I accidently would do so. Then, the voice command to ‘inhale’ hold your breath…………. breath. After about 15 minutes we are done. Needle is removed. (Thank God, I have good veines.)

By now it’s after 11:00 A.M and I am starving. Off we go to Apple Bee’s and celebrate with a big salad. Now, we wait, again. Meanwhile, my son is flying in on Tuesday. Everyone getting ready. I am somewhat antsy about the whole thing. Since I am feeling so well, I wonder how I’ll feel, afterwards. I manage to surpress worries and creepy fear during the day. But, the brain won’t be deprived of this ecclectic fodder. I dreamed: I was in the hospital, a day prior to surgery. A very efficient nurse came in, rolling a cart ahead of her.

On this cart was a long line of injections. Needles of various sizes. She looks at me and declares firmly, all these 20 shots need to be given within the next 20 minutes. All in  preparation for the bag you need to wear after surgery. I woke, heart pounding and terrified that this could be a reality.

Nowhere that I can run. I am tethered to the hospital like with an umbilical cord.

I wonder, if my CA 125 has gone down more points, again? I wonder, if that would be enough to stall chemo.

I belong to a closed, Facebook Support group. Women with Ovarian Cancer. Some of them, like me, survivors of previous cancer. Many of them, like me also, have recurrence. They are very researched, knowledgeable about any and every form of chemo and radiation. They comment on their treatment. They comment on their hugely, elevated CA 125 (Blood test) numbers. Into the Thousands!! One lady’s numbers have gone up to 9000!!! The whole, horrible misery of this disease. Their cancer, unlike mine, goes rampant, aggressive and very fast. It’s in their liver, colon, lung, pancreas and other terminal places. They fear for their very lives and some, have lost the battle and their sons, daughters or other family member will post of their passing. The raw pain of their grief is more than I can bear.

I’ve decided, not to go to this site, for awhile. This is too scary and too close for comfort. I don’t want to have their painful echo and terror in my brain. I feel much compassion but this sucks energy and positivity from me. I fervently hope that they survive.

Meanwhile. I am continuing on my course. Healthful meals. Walks. Tumeric and Curcumin. I have added Black Raspberries and lemon loaded water (Alkalizing). Maybe just pitiful attempts to ward off the beast. But, so far, I have. I have done amazingly well and I’m holding on to that with all my might.