Just moving along

My days are spent walking, cleaning and getting everything ready. Went to Doc’s office yesterday to set appointment for P.E.T scan and bloodwork, etc. when I return. Asked him about his Cyberknife input and he says it’s the same problem, either way.

We had wonderful rain, two nights and everything smells wonderful. While walking, the scent of pungent sagebrush and sweet Russian elm is all around.

I finally had enough courage to research Lymphoma. Symptoms, treatments, etc.  There are many different types of lymphoma but I want to state, right away that I have none of these symptoms!!!! I need to find someone, who will explain everything and all the options. Maybe I’ll go to a Cancer Center of America?

I don’t want to think any further about this C thingy right now. Let’s change the subject.

Oh, I made a very good Vegan potato salad, yesterday. Here’s the recipe.

Vegan Potato Salad

Ingredients: 10 Yukon Gold potatoes, 1 red pepper (other colors will work as well) 2 green onion, 1 Tbsp chives,  1 Avocado, sliced, 4-6 cherry tomatoes, 2/3 cups vegetable broth (heated) 4 Tbsp apple cider, 4 Tbsp olive oil, S&P, a dash of paprika.

Cook, peel and slice potatoes. Dice pepper and chop chive, cut tomatoes in half. Heat vegetable broth, add pepper and chives. Place potatoes in a large bowl, add broth and vinaigrette. Mix well and allow to marinate for 30 min. Garnish with tomatoes and Avocado slices.

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4 thoughts on “Just moving along

  1. Hallo Inge (unbekannterweise), Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I found this web-site by coincidence. Somehow, through the internet, I got in contact with “the son” who has a link to this site. Reading through the blogs of Inge´s life, journey and their traveling plans I am very amazed in regards to the approach you are taking and the decisions you are making to heal your cancer.

    Communicating some with your son I had given some advice of which he asked me to post as he thinks it may be of benefit for this community.

    I would also like to apologize to the community before hand as I will only be posting the general part in English as the language I am more confidant in, by coincidence, is German.

    Being that in my profession the independence of an individual in emphasized I had given advice in regards to “Energy Conservation Techniques”.

    I always imagine that as one gets up every morning, they get a “bucket of energy”, which they have to see to it, that this lasts them through out the day. Unfortunately, when the body is going through a healing process, the body takes out of this bucket what it needs for the healing first! and you are left with what is “left over”.

    Because the body says: “Healing comes FIRST! Healing is the most important!

    But there are still goals and endeavors that what to be accomplished. Whether it be something unusual, like “walking the Camino de Santiago” or just every day things like “getting dressed” or “going to the toilet”.

    I am positive that everybody has made the experience of exhausting themselves to the point were they had to take a rest break. And no matter how long the rest break was, you just did not get back to the energy level that you had prior to starting your activity. As a result you may not have been able to complete your activity or were probably unable to do other activities afterwards because you were too tired.

    The key answer in “planning ahead”, “rest breaks” and the “combination of both”.
    It basically means you take a look at the activity you want to accomplish and “slice it into pieces” with rest breaks in between = plan your rest breaks.

    As an example:
    For getting dressed this may mean: putting on your undershirt and taking a rest break before you put on your shirt. Putting on your underwear, pulling them up to your knees, taking a break, putting on your pants, pulling them up to your knees, taking a break, standing up ONCE to pull both of them all the way up.

    And always asking yourself: How do I feel? Am I getting tired? If you are fine after the undershirt but feel tired after the shirt: your rest break may need to be longer. If you are still fine after doing both with the break in between: you may want to try to do both without rest break the next day. If you feel tired the next day after doing the undershirt and shirt without a rest break: you want to put the rest break back in.

    For the Camino hike I would suggest that a map that shows the elevation in detail, a pad and pen is key. I believe planning your rest breaks and mapping down how far you walked AT WHICH ELEVATION with rest breaks will be valuable as you hike along to be able to plan ahead and achieve your goal.

    I would also suggest sitting whenever you can, as standing takes more energy. And when you sit, please sit as high as possible because it is easier to stand up from a higher position (costs less energy because you do not have to boost up your body that much). I know it sounds silly I say these things as we often do them automatically, but my experience is that some times it is important to put attention to these simple things. And I find a single drop of energy here and there may not get you very far if you just look at the drops, but pennies add up to a dollar and the dollar does buy you something. And getting to the end of the day with the least amount of exhaustion will be helpful as you tackle the next day.

    And you please may want to consider the weight of the items you are carrying in your backpack. I know you are already doing this, but I am saying this as my emphasize is a different approach. You should take lighter weight things from your son and give him your heavy stuff. You may want to take lighter weight things from Carrie and give her your medium weight things.

    My personal experience is also that onion soup, like chicken soup, gives a great energy boost.
    In regards to your question if the heating element will fit the sockets: if it has an American plug it will not. You do need an international adapter.

    I do not know 100%, but am very positive that France and Spain have 220V, so I do not know what that will do if your heating element only runs on 110V. It may short out and become unusable. But it usually says on the devise if it converts.

    That was the English part, excusing myself I will now proceed in German making it easier on myself:)!

    Liebe Inge,
    Ich finde das ganz toll, wie du deinen Heilungsprozeß in die eigene Hand nimmst. Im deutschen sagt man nicht umsonst: Man ist was man ißt!

    Ich hab vor 2 Jahren die “Breuß Diät” gemacht obwohl ich nie mit Krebs diagnostiziert worden bin. Es ist eine 6 Wochen-Diät die aus Tees, selbstgepresstem Gemüsesaft und Zwiebelsuppe besteht. Man kann sie auch zur Reinigung machen. Ich hab sie damals gemacht, weil ich mal sehen wollte wie das ist, wenn man diese Diät macht. (Mache sonst nie diät. War meine erste)

    Mir ging es während der Diät sehr gut. Ich kam mit weniger Schlaf aus, war nicht so müde wie sonst, hatte keine Gelüste nach irgendwelchen Speisen. Bin meiner Arbeit ganz normal weiter nachgegangen. Ich habe nur viel Haar verloren. Aber es ist mir nicht büschelweise ausgefallen und ist sofort wieder nachgewachsen.

    Ich hatte vor der Diät Verdauungsprobleme, die aber mit der Diät verschwunden sind und auch nicht wiedergekehrt sind.

    Laut Breuß ernährt sich Krebs von Eiweiß, das er sich aus der festen Nahrung holt. Entzieht man dem Körper nun die feste Nahrung, nimmt das Blut im Körper weil es Eiweiß braucht, alles auseinander was eiweißhaltig und überflüssig ist: Schlackeansammlungen, Geschwülste, Wucherungen etc. Weil es auch das Innere von den Blutgefäßwänden “säubert” wir man unter anderem auch seinen Bluthochdruck los.

    Breuß nennt seine Diät deshalb auch “eine Operation ohne Messer”

    Rudolf Breuß hat ein kleines Buch über seine Diät geschrieben:

    Krebs, Leukämie und andere scheinbar unheilbare Krankheiten mit natürlichen Mitteln heilen.
    Das Buch gibt es unter anderem in englisch und in deutsch beim
    Verlag und Buchvertrieb Jutta Merk
    Am Gehrenberg 39/I
    88239 Wangen im Allgäu
    Fax: (077522)912462
    email: [email protected]
    internet: http://www.merk-verlag.de

    Dort gibt es noch ein anderes Buch:
    Die Krebskur-total nach Rudolf Breuß richtig gemacht
    Erfahrungen, Tipps und Hinweise. Das offizielle Begleitbuch zur Kur
    Autor: Jürgen H.R.Thomar
    internet: http://www.breuss-kur.de

    Ich hab alle 3. Die deutsche und englische Ausgabe von Breuß und das Begleitbuch von Thomar. Gerne mach ich dir Kopien und schick sie dir zu. Ich hab die deutsche und englische Ausgabe gekauft, wegen der Übersetzung der Kräuternamen für die Tees.

    Ich selbst wohne in Pearl River, New York. Meine Mutter wohnt in Münsterschwarzach bei Kitzingen / Würzburg. Meine Mutter kennt einige Leute die mit Krebs diagnotiziert worden sind, die Diät gemacht haben und bei denen im Anschluß nichts mehr gefunden werden konnte.

    Deine Vorhaben durch die Pyrenäen zu wandern finde ich ganz toll!! Es ist wunderschön in den Pyrenäen! Ich bin mir sehr sicher das ihr viele ganz tolle Erinnerungen mitnehmen werdet abgesehen davon, das es euch 3 viel näher zusammen bringen wird. Es ist ein unglaublicher Schatz!

    Ich wünsche dir:
    Viel Glück und viel Segen auf all deinen Wegen. Gesundheit und Frohsinn sei auch mit dabei!

    Alles, alles Liebe


  2. Hi Tina:
    I’m very grateful for the time you took to advice and share your personal knowledge. I do know Breuss and his methods and therapies. My sister did his diet a few years ago and was very happy with the ultimate result of losing over 40lbs in that time and, as she said, hopefully killed some cancer cells, although she has not ever had cancer. She bought me the book. I’ve tried it, the last time I had cancer, 10 years ago, and I simply cannot do this. I simply can’t exist on soup, tea, water. The other problem was, that, while on chemo you need all the nourishment you can get because food is already a great nausea contributor. It matters what type of cancer people have to what approach they need to take. Absolute must is a total change of lifestyle.
    I have researched these different approaches for many years but more so, this time. I am eating Vegan and take various cancer fighting supplements. On my last visit to Germany, I visited the Holistic ‘Bad Mergentheim Clinic’. Learned a lot there too. There are still options open. I am also checking into Hyberbaric Chamber for additional oxygen therapy. I’ve researched Otto Warburg, Max Gerson, Johanna Budwig, Breuss, just to name a few.
    I had heard of the camino a few months ago by chance. I can only say that I feel a ‘pull’ and it’s calling me. I am ready for whatever exprience, adventure and treasure we can take and hopefully give something back. Exchanging weight is a good idea too but I shall try to carry my load. I’ve been practising and have always walked, just not so far. I am touched by your good wishes and thank you, again. Herzliche Gruesse.

  3. Hi Inge,

    Breuss emphazises that you can not do chemo and radiation treatment while you are doing the diet! Maybe that was the problem.

    I know that people on radiation and chemo have great difficulty with food intake, how exhausted they are, how much pain and misery they go through 🙁 as I work with them on a daily base.

    I absolutely agree with you that a complete life change is a must! And I believe everybody must take their own path as every body is different, (literally every person´s body) is different. Healing to me is like raising children: One method of raising children can not be applied to all children.

    This having said I find it extremely important that people take responsibility for themselves and for their health. Most people go by what the doctors tell them and just surrender to them.

    Many people are not aware that the medical schools are supported by the pharmaceutical industry. Since you do not bite the hand that feeds you, the schools teach the “to-be” – doctors what is beneficial to the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in curing people, especially when it comes to cancer, because the pharmaceutical industry make way too much money off of this disease! Just look at the donations!

    The medical world is first and foremost a business! And which business owner would cut off their greatest income (by curing people!)?

    You are one of the rare people that is taking her health into her own hands. You are walking your path, listening to your body and letting what is good for you guide you. No doctor can do that!

    And as my Mom always says: “No matter which method you choose: whoever heals is right!” And my gut feeling tells me you are on the right path!

    I have great respect for you

    All The Power To YOU!


    • You are so right. Thanks for writing again. At this point in time, I can’t remember whether I knew about Breuss before or after cancer. I do remember how much I admired my sister for being able to do this. I am a ‘Foodie’. Besides being a chef who loves to create. Now, I just do it differently and am excited to find out how many low fat, low sugar, natural ingredient menus I can come up with.
      Last time I was too scared to do anything other than what my doctors said. I also remember there was not that much research I could do, being ignorant about so many things.
      Well, let me just say,’ there’s a new Sheriff in town’ and I am on the task.

      I’ve received a new tip, yesterday to research ‘Bindweed’ and will do so.
      Thank you, again for your very nice support and good wishes. You are very kind to do so.
      My best to you.

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